Isabel Marin ( President )
Emma Hartle ( Vice President )
Why did you start/join Helping Paws?:
Isabel– “I’ve always been interested in helping animals, both attended a summer camp, which got me thinking, what if I started a club to help animals? One of the major things we do is every time we meet once a month, we do arts and crafts like making cat and dog toys to donate.”
What do you enjoy most about being a member of Helping Paws?:
Isabel– “The excitement and growth from our club members, we have grown a lot from last year, and everyone is really excited to be there.”
How has being in Helping Paws changed your day-to-day life?
Isabel– “For me, I think it’s helped us become better leaders, when I first started I was really nervous about speaking in front of people, but through practice, it subsided.”
Emma– “Yeah, Helping Paws has helped with talking to other people.”
How long have you been in Helping Paws?
Isabel– “Helping Paws got started at the end of my sophomore year, 2 years ago now, we officially started it during junior year.”
In what ways do you think “Helping Paws” will benefit the community as a whole?
Isabel- “Something new we started this year is Pet of the Month. I look for a pet finder that might be a little overlooked, and then we find ways to get that pet adopted.”
Kaliee– “Is there a specific donation or shelter you go to?”
Isabel- “There are specific shelters and organizations that we are a little closer to but we are pretty open with donations.”
In what ways could students help your club in its mission/goals?
Isabel- “Keep participating in the club, keep showing up, and encourage others!”
How would you convince students to join your club?
Emma– “We would tell you how you would also gain community service hours, that look good on the resume and to colleges, and just for fun things overall.”
If interested, Helping Paws can be reached on their Instagram- helpingpaws.whs or by texting d8fkg86 to 81010 for their remind!