Question: ̈How long have you been teaching? ̈
Answer: “This is my 9th year at Whittier High School, all of my years teaching has been here at
Whittier ̈.
Question: ̈What inspired you to become a teacher? ̈
Answer: ̈My senior English teacher, Mr.Smith, helped me connect with literature and gave me
the passion to study it and eventually teach it ̈.
Question: ̈Favorite class to teach and why? ̈
Answer: ̈ That’s a tough question, there’s part I love and don ́t love for every class, but I would
say teaching my Senior English class because I taught that class every year i’ve been a teacher,
Seniors are interesting and I love helping them transition to college while having a memorable
Senior experience ̈.
Question: ̈What’s your favorite movie? ̈
Answer ̈ I had to pick one, it would be the 1978 classic, Halloween, a quotable movie with great
tone and pacing with such an iconic character ̈.
Question: ̈What’s your favorite food? ̈
Answer: ̈As I get older I’m falling even more in love with soft shell tacos, I love its simplicity, no
sides are needed ̈.
Question: ̈What’s your favorite memory as a teacher? ̈
Answer: ̈”My favorite memory as a teacher would have to be when one year one of my senior
classes silly stringed me on the last day of school, it was cute and the vibe was immaculate the
whole school year. ̈
Question: ̈Any advice for students? ̈
̈ All the time I hear that students have too much homework or classwork, but I feel as though
they should use their classwork wisely, separate your friends and social life outside the
classroom. ̈